A Conversation for The Don't Panic Help Centre

I am afraid I must now panic!!

Post 1


For there is no longer a nice friendly button reminding me not to. It was all that was keeping me from a panic attack. You know what? I always thought it was a rather snotty button. Whenever site wasn't being very friendly and I decided that panicing would be a good idea that darned button was always like "Now don't you panic! If you panic I will kick your skrawny @$$ all the way to where ever kicked @$$es go!" And I would stop panicing out of fear. Now the cursed button is gone. But I miss it now. I now relize that it was a friendly button. It was just trying to keep me safe. Now that it is gone whenever the site isn't being friendly the window over on the wall starts looking might apealing for jumping. Please bring the Don't Panic button back while I am still here to enjoy it. Oops, too late. Just went out the darn window. You might be wondering how I am still typing. It is due to my telekenetic typing powers, duh! Oh look I'm about to hi...

*hits the ground. Is dead. Now look what you all did. A life is extinguished. Why? Because you decided that a "Help!" button was more apropiate than a "Don't Panic" button. Shame, shame. Good Day fine(or not so fine, considering you killed me!) sirs!*



I am afraid I must now panic!!

Post 2


The don't panic button was removed so's you didn't have to have read the book form of the guide to find the hekp area... But I believe that on the to do list is a hitchhiker skin for the site, which would feature the Don't Panic Button...
Stay tuned, I guess...

I am afraid I must now panic!!

Post 3


spot the stray 'k' in that last post smiley - blush

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