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NaJoPoMo, Nov 23: Down on West Fuxing Lu

Post 1

Santragenius V

(Sinne Eeg)

For no other reason that this is - IMHO - jazz at it's best and the song is absolutely brilliantly sung!

I have introduced some hootooizens to Danish singer Sinne Eeg before - if anyone else shares a liking for female jazz singers in a small group (here with bass, drums & piano), I can only recommend diving right in.

The album it's from, Don't Be So Blue, won Danish Music Award 2010 for Vocal Jazz Album of the Year.

(hint: at least from here, it's available on Spotify)

NaJoPoMo, Nov 23: Down on West Fuxing Lu

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - bluebutterfly

NaJoPoMo, Nov 23: Down on West Fuxing Lu

Post 3


smiley - cheerup

NaJoPoMo, Nov 23: Down on West Fuxing Lu

Post 4


smiley - devil

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