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NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 1

Santragenius V

(Matt Bianco)

Get up
Get up
Get out of your lazy bed.
Before I count to three - step to it baby.
She goes out every night 'till the morning light...

Well, he. But other than that, I actually do sleep pretty solidly once my head hits the pillow. Which is nice and appreciated. Now, the challenge is getting enough of that sleep - which, in turn, means dragging my behind off to bed at a decent hour instead of reading this, doing that, checking a wee bit of social media here or there. And that is a quite different challenge.

And actually, I am quite good at getting out of bed. Guess experience taught me early on that the only way, for me, of successfully doing that is by putting feet on the floor as soon as the alarm goes of. Weekends on the other hand .... mmmmm, spending the better part of an hour slowly waking up is bliss.

(Incidentally, honestly, the next song that featured this morning was Danish group Saybia's The Second You Sleep smiley - laugh Highly recommended, by the way)

NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 2

You can call me TC

I loved Matt Bianco - I think they only made one album. Every song a gem.

What's the secret of enjoying getting up in the morning?

NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Reminded me of this:

NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 4

Santragenius V

Oh no, they made several - guess I had two or three LPs (smiley - senior)

And who said I enjoyed getting up? I just make sure I do get up.... smiley - winkeye

NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 5

Researcher 14993127

smiley - zzz

smiley - cat

NaJoPoMo, Nov 15: Get Out of Your Lazy Bed

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

I almost always fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow - it's staying asleep all night that sometimes becomes a problem, especially if I wake up during smiley - fullmoon 'wolf hour' as we call it in Sweden (3-4 am).

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