This is the Message Centre for Santragenius V

And then on a Monday...

Post 41


*takes a smiley - tea and sits to wait*

smiley - zen

And then on a Monday...

Post 42


smiley - zensmiley - tea

And then on a Monday...

Post 43

Santragenius V

smiley - musicalnoteTeahouse on the tracks...smiley - musicalnote

Donald Fagen always has a nĂ­ce, calming attitude for me... smiley - smiley

And then on a Monday...

Post 44


'ning Santra

If you don't mind, I'll wait with smiley - coffeesmiley - smiley
smiley - zen

And then on a Monday...

Post 45

Santragenius V

smiley - coffeesmiley - zen
smiley - teasmiley - zen

Today I'm doing the smiley - monstersmiley - zen.... smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye

Above all, smiley - zensmiley - smiley

And then on a Monday...

Post 46


I don't feel quite smiley - zen
- this one is more like me
smiley - coffeesmiley - reindeer

- and now: to kick some pupils to write for the school magazine smiley - tongueout

And then on a Monday...

Post 47

Santragenius V

smiley - bleep, smiley - bleep and smiley - bleep!

Got the answer back yesterday about the job I've been waiting to hear about. After two rounds of interviews and some (a lot) of waiting, I came in on a honourable second place.

smiley - bleep!

Sometime in a couple of days it'll be good knowing that I can still make it through the heap of applications and through two interviews. But right now... smiley - bleep

(don't worry too much - I just needed to vent that. The sun's shining and it'a a beautiful autumn day smiley - smiley)

And then on a Monday...

Post 48

Santragenius V

Just one more smiley - bleep - I just realised that I had the answer back on ...... a Monday. smiley - bleep

And then on a Monday...

Post 49


smiley - bleeping mondays smiley - tongueout

I can see you don't need anybody to show you the positive elements.
I'm usually a champion at that. But here I'll settle for an hounorable second place. smiley - winkeye

*uncrosses now terribly creaking fingers*

And then on a Monday...

Post 50


Btw: Have a strong smiley - coffee and a piece of smiley - cake. smiley - smiley

And then on a Monday...

Post 51


The second place is the most annoying. smiley - grr

Oh well, have a piece of smiley - coffee and a strong smiley - cake. smiley - laugh

And then on a Monday...

Post 52

Santragenius V

On smiley - doctor's orders: smiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - cakesmiley - cake

And a bit of smiley - choc for good order smiley - smiley

And then on a Monday...

Post 53


maybe the one they took will get hit by a falling sperm whale ...

* keeps fingers crossed smiley - winkeye *

And then on a Monday...

Post 54

Santragenius V

smiley - laughYeah maybe....

smiley - ta for the support all of you smiley - hug

And then on a Monday...

Post 55

Another Ottox

And then on a Monday...

Post 56

Santragenius V

...will surely go well with smiley - coffeesmiley - coffee and smiley - cakesmiley - cakesmiley - biggrin

(but why the "another"?)

And then on a Monday...

Post 57


That's a good question! smiley - winkeye

And then on a Monday...

Post 58

Santragenius V

Maybe we can use that in another posting smiley - winkeye

And then on a Monday...

Post 59


smiley - goodluck
smiley - dontpanic
smiley - biggrin

And then on a Monday...

Post 60

Santragenius V

smiley - smiley
smiley - hug

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