This is the Message Centre for Bistroist

Rest In Peace

Post 1


One of my friends died yesterday.

He was driving on the bicycle-path* on his moped, when a car that was parked in front of him suddenly opened it's right door. He hit it, and was thrown into a brick pole, some bystanders tried to give him first aid, but nevertheless he died there and then.

It's just so unfair for someone who's so young (16) and has so much of life ahead of him, to depart from it so quickly.

I just talked with one of his best friends. She was hosting a party with around 80 people tonight. Now that's bad timing.


*=Sorry for the poor English, but I can't remember the correct word. The Danish word, interestingly enough, is "cykelsti".

Rest In Peace

Post 2

Wonko The Sane (34355)

I´m sorry for your friend, and I´m sorry for your bad spelling.
I´m happy, that I´m back after being dead for a while... for tax reasons... unfortunately My tax-situation has just gotten worse...


I´m also happy to be able to present you for a present!!!

(I will always be THE big-brother (you´ll know who´s watching))

So go straight away and check

So Happy Birthday!! (19.-10.)

... Whatever

Wonko The Not As Sane... As Before...

Rest In Peace

Post 3

Wonko The Sane (34355)

By the way... I WILL try to get here more often from now on... Thanx for Adopting(?) me!

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