This is the Message Centre for Zanne
Zanne Posted Jan 15, 2000
Well I'm a very lazy person and did my page in about 2 mins. Should be able to rectify it when I have some spare time and have found some pictures.
Tigger Posted Jan 17, 2000
sorry - I meant my msg, not your home page !
See you on the bounce
Tigger |\/\/\/\/\|
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Feb 27, 2000
Apollo, I just heard you in another forum talking about how people never speak to you on here, and I felt very guilty. You see, I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor) and it should have been MY job to come talk to you and make you feel welcomed! I hope that you don't keep feeling lonely, and that you get into the swing of things here. Remember, everyone's weird, just in a different way
Zanne Posted Jun 25, 2000
thanks your doing a great job. I haven't been on here for ages so sorry I have not replyed. You see I have been busy with my GCSEs Yuck!
Zanne Posted Jul 1, 2000
Let's just say Arggggghhhh what a mess just about sums it up
But they are over and that makes me feel just hunky dory. Thanks for asking. Do you like Bowie?
Zanne Posted Jul 4, 2000
What others you have got me curious now. Oh and as you like David Bowie what's your favourite song by him? And did you like his Glastonbury Performance?
My favourite song at the moment is Breaking Glass but I also like the really irritating and infectious DJ. And I thought his performance at Glastonbury was brilliant despite the minor problems with the voice.
Talk to you soon
Tigger Posted Jul 6, 2000
Well, I guess I tend to be a rocker at heart (I used to be a roadie), however due to my wife being a music teacher (& her coming from a classical music background) and my parents also, I've got a somewhat wider eclectic taste than I uses to have.
The problem I find, is that I tend to hear tracks I like, on the radio, without knowing who the performers are - 'modern' pop stations seem not to see much use in telling you what they're playing - I tend to listen to Virgin or Radio4 (not much music here).
Re. Glastonbury, sorry, missed it completely (both live & radio/tv), were you there ? - In the early eighties, I used to go to the Reading festival.
Tigger |/\/\|
Zanne Posted Jul 9, 2000
Wasn't at Glastonbury but wished I really Was. Anyway you didn't miss much the BBC made a real mess of the coverage. My Friend and I tuned in to watch Bowie on the Sunday and got a large helping of
Basement Jaxx which was ever so slightly annoying to say the least. Radio one I think only played one song so you didn't really miss much on the Bowie front.
I listen to Virgin Radio as well but sometimes the reception can be really naff. I also can't stand the way stations like Radio 1 will play three or four songs then neglect to tell you what they were and Virgin Radio can be just as bad at times. As far as I know Radio 1 only seems to play the popular new releases and stuff well even I haven't heard of because they don't seem to tell you what they are playing. I shouldn't be telling you this because well at sixteen I am supposed to like all new pop music aren't I? Well I don't I like mostly older music and my friend think I am really sad because of it except one who is also a devout Bowie fan. Anyway enough from me I have written far too much but just one more thing are you going to buy the new Bowie single Seven?
Tigger Posted Jul 10, 2000
Ahhggg - You have a way of making me feel ancient -- I guess I last bought a single ~22 years ago
-- however, when I hear a track I like (& can identify the artist), I'll often buy the album - I'm currently trying to track down a Cranberries track I heard on Virgin, but I don't know its name - my wife is trying to borrow CD's from her pupils to help in the identification process.
Re. your taste in music, I personally think the way forward is to be inclusive; Sure, like music from 'my' teens (Bowie etc.), perhaps my parents (Bach, Mozart etc ) and current music as well. I think it is sad when people say they only like X or Y & everything else is crap.
Tigger |/\/|/\|
Zanne Posted Jul 16, 2000
Sorry I Didn't mean to make you feel ancient anyway ancient is not a term I would use to describe anyone. That kind of behaviour is just not acceptable in this day and age.
Your advice on musical tastes is well noted that is sort of the policy I have accepted and it works well except for well novelty records eg barbie girl by Aqua that are just sooo irritating that they make you want to wretch violently.
Okay I am going to be slightly rude now and ask you well exactly how old you are. If your worried about feeling ancient then just tell me to the nearest five or ten years. Anyway if you feel old imagine how old I fell when I see people younger than me having Chart success.
Sorry I took so long to reply. One more thing Good Luck with finding that track I know just how annoying it can be
Tigger Posted Jul 17, 2000
Approaching 40 ! -- BTW, no offence remotely taken; rather, I find it somewhat amusing that things I took for granted (e.g. in language, a 45 == a single) are just not applicable now !
I use 'ancient' to pre-empt others thinking it ! (I remember soon after I graduated, I was working in a team with a 35 yr old guy - we all got on very well, but I remember thinking how old 35 must feel - now I am 35+, I realise that I still feel much the same as I did at 18; maybe more experienced, but otherwise, much the same !)
Tigger |/\/\/\/\|
Zanne Posted Aug 4, 2000
I see what you mean about the old 45 singles but I seem to spend alot of time looking through 7 inch singles and their 12 inch counterparts not just singles but albums. Strange for a person my age but the sound if I can find what I am after the sound quality is much better and nothing will ever beat the sound quality from the old fashioned valve radios.
In my books you're not ancient just getting on and If you feel like your 18 then your an old looking 18 year old. I agree with you mental age is more important than physical age. My parents reckon I am a 16 year old who thinks like a 30 year old but I still think I am a bit immature. Sorry It took so long to reply I was a little pre-occupied (excuse the spelling).
Anyway the Seven single bombed in this country it went in at No.32 and dropped out in less than a week but I reckon that is because only ourprice stocked it where I live.
Oh well. I was wondering if you have seen any David Bowie LPs down your way i reckon some collector is pretty much beating me to tham or they are just not coming into the shops. If you see any I would be interested in buying them. Oh boy now I have written alot haven't I. talk to you soon
Tigger Posted Sep 1, 2000
Sorry about the delay - been working abroad in netless bunkers
I'll keep my eyes peeled for Bowie LP's, but I don't think I'll be too successful, as I don't tend to have time to go to places where LP's are still traded - all my Bowie is on 'off-site backup' tapes made a few years ago.
Tigger |\/\/\/\|
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Tigger (Jan 11, 2000)
- 2: Zanne (Jan 15, 2000)
- 3: Tigger (Jan 17, 2000)
- 4: Irving Washington - Gone Writing (Feb 27, 2000)
- 5: Zanne (Jun 25, 2000)
- 6: Tigger (Jun 27, 2000)
- 7: Zanne (Jul 1, 2000)
- 8: Tigger (Jul 3, 2000)
- 9: Zanne (Jul 4, 2000)
- 10: Tigger (Jul 6, 2000)
- 11: Zanne (Jul 9, 2000)
- 12: Tigger (Jul 10, 2000)
- 13: Zanne (Jul 16, 2000)
- 14: Tigger (Jul 17, 2000)
- 15: Zanne (Aug 4, 2000)
- 16: Tigger (Sep 1, 2000)
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