A Conversation for Predicting the Future

Back to Eden (By Time Travel)

Post 1


Will the people responsible for getting me here please get me back.
A.:. A.:. I know it was you!

Back to Eden (By Time Travel)

Post 2


I was walking through that Valley in the Netherlands (in Europe) and something reminded me of long ago, with my love in the Garden. I saw Satan selling candy and God selling TVs. Jesus was hanging on his cross and Adam said hello. Is there anybody out there?

Back to Eden (By Time Travel)

Post 3

Live "Yogi" Culture

I was in that other Wooded Valley in Luxembourg (on Earth), the one with the Great Red Bridge that seems to span the World, and I wondered where this conversation started. No entries seem to connect to anything real. I wonder.

Back to Eden (By Time Travel)

Post 4



Back to Eden (By Time Travel)

Post 5

Live "Yogi" Culture

Or not cheese? That is the question.

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