A Conversation for Predicting the Future

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 1


I predict that in the next ten years, alot will happen.

And I hope Im not wrong about this one... smiley - smiley

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 2


Let us all hope that it is lots of good stuff! (Somehow I think it won't be though...)

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 3


Yes, I too doubt that the good part is going to happen. But here is another prediction:

Sometime within the next thirty years atleast half of the human race will seriosly believe in aliens and UFO's.

Just so you can have something to laugh at in thirty years. Someone else try to make a prediction, instead of commenting mine.

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 4

Dr Chaotica!

Predictions for next 10 years:

Europeans will settle out into 3 groups
1. Far right nationalists, against united Europe
2. Pro-Europeans.
3. Anti-American pro-Europeans.

Over the last decade, men's hair has become shorter and shorter. (Just look at any TV show from 1990). I think this trend will continue over the next 10 years until men have virtually no head hair. Then an opposite trend for long hair will emerge.

God knows what people'll be wearing in 10 years time. Who could have predicted Goths?

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 5


Rightho! This is the second time today.... What or who are "goths"? Am I so old, decrepid, out of touch with the world due to spending too much time with my nose pressed to my PC's monitor (us oldies need spectacles you see) that I not know who or what these "goths" are? Someone please put me out of my misery and elighten me before I have to go out of the house to find out or ask my 12 year old daughter!!!

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 6


Goths are people who try to be thin and pale and romantic in a tragic kind of way. They like vampires and long black coats and depression. Male goths are into make-up and frilly shirts, female goths are either into tight black dresses with short skirts and bodices or wish they had the figures to wear them. Both types usually have long hair.

And I'm not positive your 12-year old would know what one was in any case. They are a late 80's phenomenon (da daaah, deda da).

Hope that helps!

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 7


Oh, THAT lot! I didn't realise they actually had a name!!! Thanks for enlightening me. I suppose that must be why there was such a rush of new vampire films released a few years back as the film industry was trying to cash in "goths". Give me a good old hippie or Hells Angel any day....

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 8


I would surmise that that manner of attire will be the type of thing that people will look back at in 5 years and laugh out loud about. And the same goes for that polar fleece stuff, especially the vests.

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 9


_Short_ skirts? Most of the ones I've seen tend to be nearer ankle-length. Dyed black hair, lots of black lace, etc. (If you really want to check it out, try the atrocities.com website)

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 10


Well, they have been around for a fair few years already, and there's a continuous supply of angst-ridden teenagers to supply potential new recruits.

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 11


Well, I must admit that the goths I know are also veering towards S&M, so short skirts are a tad more likely, but generally you are right - goth females do anything they can to avoid showing off their bodies. It goes with the hate-thyself persona.

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 12


Cool site, btw - good place to get costume for my role-playing.

Pretty Probable Prediction

Post 13


A role-player among us? Hi, I'm playing, too.

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