A Conversation for Predicting the Future
Someone did compile thier prognostications!
Headmaster Cid Started conversation Nov 28, 1999
Nostradamus, if you belive the hype, was the last great soothsayer. He actually took the time to write down what he belived would occour in the future. Time magazine also made some predictions in its issues. I can't seem to find them, but if anyone does, drop me a line okay?
Someone did compile thier prognostications!
Gnarly (I have a pair) Posted Nov 28, 1999
Well I'm not going to
Someone did compile thier prognostications!
Headmaster Cid Posted Nov 28, 1999
Get off my back, yo. I've been raised to be dependent on spellcheckers, okay? At least I tried! It's not like it's all phonetics or something!
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Someone did compile thier prognostications!
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