A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page

Help Wanted PLease

Post 1


Hello. I have a problem linking to two maps for my new Guide Entry.They are on streetmap.co.uk. The maps I want are nine-grid street maps.THe first is 295500; 190500 which has Maesteg written in the left centre square. The second map is 286500:188500 which has Llangynwyd written across the centre square. The website does give Url links for these on each map ,but I can't get them to work. When I try them on my address bar I get the full South Wales area map. I am using a Bush Internet set-top box. I don't know if this is causing a problem. Can someone help,please. Pamela.

Help Wanted PLease

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

The first co-ords I used gave me a hill, not a streetmap.
Which one of these was it? I can then check the link for you.

Maesteg, Powys
Maesteg, Bridgend / Pen-y-Bont ar Ogwr [City/Town/Village]
Maesteg, Bridgend [Town]
Maesteg Ewenny Road Station, Bridgend [Station]
Maesteg Station, Bridgend [Station]

The second ones gave me the map I think you mean and it has given me the correct one, both on putting in my browser and using this link http://www.streetmap.co.uk/streetmap.dll?G2M?X=286500&Y=188500&A=Y&Z=1

It may well be that your set top box cannot process the link but I don't know really know. All I can say is that they are working for me smiley - ok

smiley - cheers


PS Sorry i didn't see this post earlier, I was having a snooze smiley - sleepy!!

Help Wanted PLease

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hello and welcome to h2g2, Pamela!

I've never had a problem saving URLs via Streetmap, but I'm wondering how you connect to the internet? And do other links work okay?

Help Wanted PLease

Post 4


Hi Mort. Sorry about the first co-ords. It should have been 285500;190500.
The link you've sent is for the largest scale with only Pontrhdycyff. if you go to the bar below and click to see middi scale map, you should get a map with Llangynwyd written across the centre and a church and telephone symbol in the top corner of the faint blue centre square. Thats the one I want. The URL they give underneath it is the same as the link You've sent except for the last figure which is a 3 instead of a 1. But when I click it on that page or type it in my address bar I get the full South Wales area map and the URL underneath ends in a 5 Does this happen with you?
What I get on my Entry when I click those links is not the usual error message I get 'specified module cold not be found' I am using GuideML and have to use & instead of &. Could this be part of the problem?

Help Wanted PLease

Post 5


Hello Fords,
My set-top box is connected to the telephone (and the T.V.ofcourse) It's Pay-as- you-go. Local Phone rates.
My ISP is Bushinternet.com
Iv'e done a few pages here and haven't had much trouble with links. I can't do anything with sites that use JAVA though. Have you got links to maps on any of your Guide entries? As I've said to Mort I think the & sign might be causing a problem with Guide ML. Have you had to use it in any links, and did they work?

Help Wanted PLease

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Mort's the technical one, but as far as I know you do just replace the & with & to make the link work smiley - erm

Help Wanted PLease

Post 7

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

fords is right - replace the ampersand with


in any url when using guide ml and the link will function normally.

The closest 'zoom' in the map was 500m per square - which was what the link gave me directly.

I will use the new co-ords and see what happens smiley - ok

Help Wanted PLease

Post 8

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


I have just tried it as a direct link and it took me to the main page and when I copied it into my browser I got the correct version.

I think it must be the website - it appears to be unable to process the request to the last instruction (ie the map size)

I dont think it is your box or the link.

Help Wanted PLease

Post 9

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted


fords - can you check both these last 2 links and see if you get the 1000m sized maps? smiley - erm

Help Wanted PLease

Post 10


Hi Mort . I got the 3km map on both of those links, so I think it could be the website. But at least I can get to it from those even if its the wrong maps. When I put the links on my Guide Entry page I still get 'specified module could not be found'. When I try my info button I get a different long URL ,but I can't get that to work either. I tried it and got the Bug finder page. Pamela. smiley - huh

Help Wanted PLease

Post 11

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

This one I can answer smiley - winkeye

When linking to any page that is on h2g2 then the code is

If it is a personal space then it changes to
Morts PS

When linking to a site other than h2g2 you need to use a different code and the full url (even if it is a BBC page)

You have used a combination of a bbc url and streetmap.

<./>GuideML-LINK</.> may help too smiley - ok

Help Wanted PLease

Post 12

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I get the 10k ones smiley - erm

Help Wanted PLease

Post 13


Hi Fords.How did you do that.smiley - huh I just clicked on both links ang got the full South Wales map on both of them.smiley - huh
Hi Mort.
I found out what I did wrong with my links. I did have the LINK HREF but I missed out the http://www. I put it in now and the maps are coming on. I still can't get the =3 size but I tried typing in =2 and got 25 squared 500 scale streetmaps which seem to work. So I have put them on .I changed the co-ords on the Llangynwyd map to the next one over , as it wasn't all on the one I had. Can you go to my Guide entry and try the links to see if the right ones come on with you please. Unfortunately the Llangynwyd map doesn't have the church symbol, which I did want as I have written about it , but it will do for now.
I do think that the problem is with the Sitemap website, but don't know how it worked for Fords. If you still think it is Sitemap's problem I can E.mail them.
Thanks for all the help.

Help Wanted PLease

Post 14

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

I got the 500m map on both links smiley - ok

Help Wanted PLease

Post 15

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Yey! smiley - biggrin

Help Wanted PLease

Post 16


Hi Pamela

I couldn't find your "leave a message" thingy, so hope you'll find this.

Unfortunataly I can't be of much help. As you know, we all came onto hootoo to get away from the disruptive character we had at the time, but there are several of them still on the R2 board.
I don't know how they manage to stay on there as they're breaking all the rules.

They seem to leave us alone on the CB board, perhaps they realise we're not the fighting sort, because that's what they want, isn't it?
On the R2 board, if you have a look, it goes on all the time and I think some of them enjoy it.

Don't really know what to suggest. Have you complained to the mods?

Isn't it a pity that a few people can destroy everything? You wonder what kind of people they are.

I'm so sorry, I wish I could be of more help.

I myself have never got involved, I can't be bothered and just ignore them and they ignore me. They don't find it any fun if you don't find back, I think.

Hope things soon get sorted for you.

Lots of love

Catharina XX

smiley - zoomsmiley - smooch

Help Wanted PLease

Post 17

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi Catherina - if you click on the following link you will be able to leave a message directly on her page


The 'leave a message' link may be called 'discuss this entry' depending on how you view the page.

Hope that helps!

Help Wanted PLease

Post 18


smiley - ta Mort and Fords for your help with the maps. and smiley - ta again for pointing FLY-BY-NIGHT in the right direction. smiley - cheers Pamela.

Help Wanted PLease

Post 19

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

No problem at all!

There seems to be a bit of a hiccup with posting to some pages so hopefully the direct link will allow FlybyNight to post to you.

If not then you can post to her page and start a thread that way smiley - ok

We are more than happy to help in anyway we can, so don't be afraid to ask smiley - winkeye

I will look forward to seeing your entry in <./>peerreview</.>!

smiley - cheers


Help Wanted PLease

Post 20


Morning Mort

Are you the same Mort who sometimes comes on our CB board?

Thank you for helping me but somehow I found the way to leave a message to Pamela, but don't ask me how I got there.
Trial and error is my way of doing things, I'm afraid.
How lovely to have helpful people like you about, I'll remember next time. Thank you. Hope you have a really good day.smiley - biggrin


smiley - zoom

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