A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page

Other DNA sites

Post 1

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

When the other dna sites appeared, there were quite a few of us who happily went around ACEing people practically everywhere..

..but since we've been asked to, I wonder if there's a way to cancel your membership in a specific dna site?

And is there a quick and easy way for me to find out exactly which dna sites I've signed up for?

Incurable optimist as I am, I tried typing in
- hoping to get to some 'general' dna page - but ended up on the h2g2 front page!smiley - doh

Other DNA sites

Post 2

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Duhhhh.. 'since we've been asked *not* to'

Other DNA sites

Post 3


Hi Kristina,

You're right, we're not meant to ACE SoP people, but I don't see why you'd want to cancel your entire membership to it. I suppose you could use SITEFILTER to only display stuff on h2g2, but why?

You can now get to the dna hub, which is open at [Broken link removed by Moderator]

That might answer a few questions!


Other DNA sites

Post 4


Hi Kristina,

You're right, we're not meant to ACE SoP people, but I don't see why you'd want to cancel your entire membership to it. I suppose you could use SITEFILTER to only display stuff on h2g2, but why?

You can now get to the dna hub, which is open at [Broken link removed by Moderator]

That might answer a few questions!


Other DNA sites

Post 5


whoops, this site's slow today!

And I messed up the link try http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/hub/

Other DNA sites

Post 6

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse


To avoid confusing members of said sites!

I checked up on the tag, but decided it would probably be easier to sort of 'unsubscribe' membership from those sites..

Will have a look at the hub site, thanks!smiley - smiley

Other DNA sites

Post 7


Oh, you mean for those members who don't want to be part of us.

I thought you meant you wanted to unsubscribe from SoP. Is this what you mean?

Other DNA sites

Post 8

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

SoP, or 360, or whatever place I managed to become a member of while trawling through the <./>NewUsers</.> page - I've forgotten which ones I signed up for!smiley - weird

Other DNA sites

Post 9

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Kristina, are you going the 'cancel'-thread road again? If there is a part you are not really interested in, just ignore it. It will slowly sink into the bottomless pit of dead or dying threads.

Other DNA sites

Post 10

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

Not threads as much as my user page - I'd really like to find out which dna sites I've signed up for! (should have kept note)

I checked this newcomer, ended up on the 360 site, had a look on my user page from there, and discovered it didn't make much sense from that point of view!

Other DNA sites

Post 11


You're automatically a member of all DNA sites, no matter whether you've posted there or not and if you don't like how your space looks, you can use SITEFILTER.

Other DNA sites

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

I disagree - you don't automatically become a member of all DNA sites - I remember once when I tried to post to someone (on SoP I think) and I was asked to register!

Other DNA sites

Post 13


Where you? Oh, erm I'm not sure then. I'm sure your space appears in all of them anyway. I'm going to test that out by starting a new account.

Other DNA sites

Post 14

Jonny's DNA test - U200342

That should have said "were you?" btw smiley - doh

I just managed to create U200342, registered on h2g2. I managed to add an SoP Devon entry, and post to it using SoP Devon, all without specifically registering with SoP Devon. Therefore, I conclude that you're automatically a member of all DNA sites!

Although, oddly enough, I found I can create an entry in 360. But not post there, until I agree to there terms and conditions! smiley - huh

So you are automatically a member of all DNA sites, it's just you have to make sure you agree to there Terms and Conditions before you can post there (which is different to registering from scratch).

Other DNA sites

Post 15

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ah yes - it was probably the agreement part I was remembering - thanks for explaining!smiley - smiley

Other DNA sites

Post 16


smiley - oksmiley - biggrin

Other DNA sites

Post 17


There's no way to cancel membership of any DNA site. Maybe the programmers didn't think anyone would ever want to leave. smiley - winkeye

The reason that http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ goes to h2g2 is because it was the first DNA site. It is going to be changed so that it leads to the Hub at some point.

I don't think there is anyway you can check which DNA sites you've signed up for, but I'll ask when I'm back in the office, just in case there is and it passed me by. smiley - ok

Other DNA sites

Post 18

Candi - now 42!

Could it be put in the ACEs' code of conduct/guidelines about not greeting other DNA site members? I feel foolish having just inadvertantly greeted someone from sense of place.....smiley - blush - well, I'm new at this game.....only after I did it did I realise my mistake having already hastily amended my greeting to take the other sites into account....oh dear smiley - sadface

Other DNA sites

Post 19


Hi Candi

Sorry I should have let you know that when I recruited you. Where do you suggest I put the information?


Other DNA sites

Post 20


Abi, is it possible to ammend the Welcome to Aceforum message to say: "Don't forget, we're not meant to Ace SoP users" or something.

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