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Thank heavens for nice young men.
Wand'rin star Started conversation Jun 4, 2014
Recently I have been heavily leaning on "the kindness of strangers". Last week I went into Grimsby for X-rays and a youth leapt up to give me a seat on the bus (which meant he had to go upstairs) and the male radiologist more or less lifted me on and off the X-ray table.
On Monday evening I fell on my knees in the market square. A nice woman gathered up my shopping including a cracked egg which I scrambled for brekkie. And two pleasant sixteen year olds picked me up. (Heavy bruising on the knees, but no blood)
Today I went to see Dr Sam about the X-rays. You will be pleased to know there is nothing wrong with my knees, but..... it's a referred pain from the crumbling hip, which will need replacing if possible. Shades of my mother - and grandmother.I shall now have a stiff whisky
and go a have a lie down on my clean bedding.<star
Thank heavens for nice young men.
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Jun 4, 2014
Oh dear, sorry about your woes but thankful there are still some nice people
to be found in our locality
My father had a hip replacement which he never regretted undertaking and he said it was nice to be pain-free. I have had arthritis since I was 30, now it's in both hips, both knees and my spine. I live on painkillers but know I'm grateful for them.
hope you recover soon
Thank heavens for nice young men.
Wand'rin star Posted Jun 4, 2014
I just hope I haven't left it too late. My mother was told she was too old and was spitting mad when the Queen Mother (who was exactly the same age) had two replacements. I perhaps should have questioned the pain a couple of years ago. Stoicism is a much overrated virtue.
I have very good painkillers but they do mean I'm spending a lot of time asleep.
Thank heavens for nice young men.
Sho - employed again! Posted Jun 5, 2014
I'm very glad that people help you - it's a bit sad that it seems remarkable though
Ask about the hip replacement, you're far more valuable than the Queen Mother was.
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Thank heavens for nice young men.
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