A Conversation for Volunteer to be an Ace
I would like to be an ace
labradude Started conversation Jun 15, 2001
I am labradude, i have found h2g2 a very useful site but now I would like to do the helping so pleeze make me an ace, thanks
I would like to be an ace
Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation Posted Jun 15, 2001
ANd again, this is the guy who is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U179470 , he is new today and thinks he is God. I know for a fact that he isn't, he sat opposite me. Surely posting twice deliberately is a sign that he isn't ready yet...
I would like to be an ace
Peta Posted Jun 16, 2001
Sorry labradude, No thanks.
It doesn't work that way. You've just joined and you've posted up a couple of things that are really quite offensive to an existing Ace. The Aces are an integral part of the h2g2 team, they act as support staff on site. As such we support them fully both as a team and as individuals. I therefore won't consider an application from anyone who comes into h2g2 and is rude to an existing team member.
If you wish to become an Ace at some point in the future, then please take on the friendly ethos of h2g2, and post accordingly.
Community Editor
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I would like to be an ace
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