A Conversation for Jamestown Ferry

Jamestown Ferry

Post 1

Researcher 59553

What does the ferry cost to ride?

Jamestown Ferry

Post 2


Free, free, it's all free. It used to cost 5 dollars each way, or .25 cents if you bought a book of tickets. Commuters used the tickets, mostly college professors and students or employees of Colonial Williamsburg - all folks who had opted not to live in Williamsburg, mostly to avoid tourists. A couple of years ago the state of Virginia threatened rather seriously to put a bridge up and do away with the ferry, but the populace of Surry County lobbied hard against it, fearing it would encourage rampant development , "EGAD! McDonald's!", and they actually won. The government agreed that since they no longer planned to build the bridge they could afford to forgo the income from tickets. The little guys do win every once in a while.

Most Neglected! EeeK!

Post 3


Ye-gods. I just visited the home page and find that I have written a "Most Neglected" entry! How appalling! Promise, I am not a boring person. Ok, maybe a little, but does anyone deserve the dreaded "Most Neglected" label? No way!

Man. I'm going to go visit the other Most Neglected entries and comment on them.

Most Neglected! EeeK!

Post 4


Worry not. Most neglected - must be good I thought and I was right - this entry was certainly worth the gong that gets it looked at more. I can feel the ferry as I write with the wind whipping round my hair.


Post 5


Thanks for the positive feedback. Just beware the seagulls while you are enjoying the refreshing breeze. They love to hang around the front of the ferry with the kindly folks who bring them bread crumbs, but as Alfred Hitchcock well knew, where there are large numbers of birds there is the always the possibility of danger, or in this case, embarrasment. The winds _can_ carry more on deck than just spray. Life will be messy. "Life. Don't talk to me about life".


Post 6


I was always told that bird muck on your clothes brought good luck. May that was just my mother just trying to stop me howling smiley - smiley

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