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The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 1


Ahhhh... this loads much quicker... ~grin~... er... is anyone here yet?????

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 2

Roasted Amoeba

Yep. Oh, what a surprise... that forum is also dedicated to doughnuts... smiley - bigeyes

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 3


I am... but I wasn't there beforesmiley - smiley

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 4


And may I ask why the doughnuts are on strike? smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 5


Well me thought the title was more thought provoking than just Doughnuts part two... ~grin~... me just thought of a film plot... Darth Doughnut... an evil Doughy Lord... fighting Luke Doughnuteater... and his sister Leia Downandhaveadoughnut... ~grin~... along with Han Doughnut and his side kick... Chewdoughnuta
~big grin~... sounds good doesn't it... almost edible really...

~Greebo goes into one of infamous dream sequences....~

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 6


Yey gods, quick, break out the aqua-lungs. smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 7


NOOOOO... ~grin~.. its' ok... DON'T PANIC!!!! ... me was only kidding...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 8


you did have us worried there, Greebsmiley - doctor

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 9


I don't want to disolve again. smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 10


Oh... me don't know.. ~grin~~... it's kinda of interesting...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 11


I can only handle being 1ft tall in one forum at a time thanks.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 12


~Grin~... Sorry... maybe it wouldn't be such fun for you...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 13


I dread to think how that forum will end.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 14


There... there... ~Greebo puts on her bestest soothing voice... ~ Lets not think about it then...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 15


You are right. If I get the doughnuts can you get the milk? smiley - smiley

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 16


And can I get to eat both?

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 17


Greebs, where are your Titanium tiped claws again? smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 18


~Greebo grins wickedly and shows of her false claws...~ They are always with me...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 19

Roasted Amoeba

Hey Greebo, can I borrow a doughnut for an experiment I'm doing...? smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 20


I think she is still having to think about it. smiley - winkeye

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