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The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 21


~Greebo frowns greatly~... Will me get it back again Oh One Celled One???

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 22

Mr Wizard

where can I find the very best curry doughnut?
I like mango chutny, coconut, and sprinkles

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 23


Hi Mr Wizard... ~grin~... the best place me can tell you to go for a really gourmet style of doughnut is Joanna's Doughnut Stall... ~bigger grin~

Go to Joanna's page and use the rather cute little box type order service she has there... ~helpful grin~... me is sure she can rustle up something for you... oh... and... please say hi from me...

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 24

Mr Wizard

I have had some of Joanna's doughnuts on another page. Great curry.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 25


Curry flavoured doughnuts?!?


The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 26


I know - sounds like a crime against humanity to me. smiley - sadface

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 27


I thought it was just a crime against the stomach, but humanity works. smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 28


I tend to judge how much something is a crime to humanity by the impact it has on my stomach. If it makes me feel sick, it's a terrible crime. Curry doughnuts? That definately makes me feel sick.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 29


Not an overly appetising thought, no.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 30


Me would rather have a sweet doughnut... but me also thinks that you shouldn't knock something until you tried it... ~grimace~

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 31


But even you don't like the sound of a Curry doughnut.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 32


That's because Greebo is human too - for a cat. smiley - smiley

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 33


Are you sure, not many humans would let me scratch their head. But then again with my record not many cats do either. smiley - winkeye

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 34


I'd let you scratch my head if you desperately wanted, but I'd be very worried. And Sarah wouldn't appreciate it, so I'd panic if I were you.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 35


Thats OK, I think I'll just stick with almost scratching my cat on the head.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 36


~grin~... you can scratch me on the head any time you want... one doughnut and me anybodies... ~bigger grin~... of course... what me does with anybody is totally my own business... ~evil grin~

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 37

Mr Wizard

as you well know my friend Kryton and I have been dealing with curries(?) currys for some time. And as a Wizard I need to investigate the most notable currys(that can't be right) Plus with my classes on Babylon 5 coming up I have to stay in touch. A doughnut never hurts a researcher but fuels the soul.

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 38


*passes doughnut to Greebo*

I think she will apriciate that sentiment. smiley - smiley

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 39

Roasted Amoeba

Greebo - about that doughnut for the experiment... you will get it back if the experiment works... smiley - smiley

The Doughnuts Strike Back!!!

Post 40

Mr Wizard

Roasted Amoeba
as I am a wizard and being nosey can we have some info on this experiment ?
Maybe I could whip up a incantation or two. I promise not bring any curry.

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