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Real Life Mad Science: Rabbit/Human Mutants!

Post 1


Here we have an interesting case involving genetic research and human embryos.

And due to the shortage of human embryos, rabbit embryos are being merged into the mix in an attempt to perform research.

For as wild and outlandish as this sounds, this actually looks like one of the more ethical approaches to this type of research that I've seen. I'm not a huge fan research on embryos, personally. I don't think humans are yet capable of understanding just where life/souls come into play.

Long story short: I'm of the opinion that we should play it safe until we're sure. At the moment, the "life begins at conception/life begins at birth" argument basically boils down to two groups of people going "yes it is!" "No it isn't!" "Uh-huh!" Nuh-uh!" In short, I'm in favor of getting more conclusive evidence before we say whether or not it's right to use embryos in the name of medical research.

Having said that, I should also point out that it's unrelated to the actual topic at hand.

The topic now involves rabbits in the research (is it wrong of me to think that somewhere in the world is a person who insists on using human embryos for study, but would be such a strong animal rights activist that they oppose the use of rabbits in the same way?), and from what I can tell: they're doing it right.

The embryos in question look like they'll be well guarded to prevent any unethical uses, and they certainly won't be allowed for uses not pertaining to the research at hand.

So, if we go on the assumption that embryo usage is okay, then this may possibly be the coolest medical research project ever.

If we don't go with that assumption, well...tough to call.

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Real Life Mad Science: Rabbit/Human Mutants!

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