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Prediction For This Semester's Classes

Post 1


I predict with 96% certainty that I'm going to thoroughly enjoy this semester. I can now say that as I have finally attended the last of my classes (a theater writing class that meets once a week on Mondays. We didn't meet last week because it was MLK day).

Now, reactions:

Statistics-The last math class that I exect I'll ever take, and what a math class it is. The work is not hard in this class, but I expect it to be time consuming. I expect to go into more panic attacks from this class than any other, but if I do those panic attacks will be entirely my fault. The computation is, as far as I can tell, incredibly simple, and I think most could tackle what I've looked at so far with a basic understanding of highschool algebra. Yeah, he says that we might work with some calculous stuff at some point, but the professor thinks those events will be few and far between. The hardest part about this is that a lot of stuff needs to be done manually, (for my last homework question, I was actually relieved to see that I *only* had 60 pieces of data to enter, as opposed to the 105 pieces from an earlier question).

Theology: Reading The New Testament-This'll be fun. I missed the first day, so I don't know what the beliefs are of this professor, but from what I've seen so far he's approaching the material fairly. I'll try to keep an open mind if he will, and he seems like a cheerful fellow to boot.

Astronomy-Even though I *expect* Statistics to give me more trouble, I can see this one surprising me. The difference, though, is that Astronomy is more fun to me. The Astronomy lab is going to take more "out of class" work than I think I have the discipline to attend to, but doesn't appear more challenging than I can handle.

Theater Writing-This is, for all intents and purposes, a sequel to a class from last year. The same professor, all the students here were in that class (not everyone from that one is here, but no one here wasn't there, if you know what I mean), etc. It's so much a sequel that the professor was able to just say "Overheard conversation, three pages" and we all knew exactly what we needed to have ready for next week. I had fun last time, and from what I can tell here I'll have fun again.

Short Story Writing-I wish there were more familiar faces in here, but beyond that I'm okay. I've had this professor in two previous classes, and I enjoyed both of those, so I naturally feel okay with this.

Well, that's it. I wanted saxophone lessons this semester, but it just didn't work out. Doesn't mean I can't practice on the side, though, and I think that I'll be able to work on these on my own.

Prediction For This Semester's Classes

Post 2

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Looks like a good class schedule to me.

If I may, I will comment on mine.

Networking fundamentals: This looks to be a good class, I will finally understand why I have done what I have for the past few years. The instructor is great, same one I had for HTML fundamentals last semester. I have much dry reading for this class but expect to do well.

Intermediate Algebra: I don't much like math, unless I am adding money to my wallet anyway, this instructor has so far been really good for me, better than any I have ever had. I am cautiously optimistic about this class.

Hun Gar Kung Fu: I took this class for stress reduction purposes, turns out it could be stress inducing, a classmate from last semester told me he got fractured ribs from the class.

Technical Writing: Pretty boring so far, I have to be careful of that. A lot of the work so far has been busy-type work, a lot of it. Plenty of reading in here too.

Communications: Awesome instructor, a grad student at the University of Utah, he makes the class fun which is greatly appreciated. A lot of reading.

All in all, I expect to do pretty well this semester, I am finally starting to buckle down and get the work done.

Prediction For This Semester's Classes

Post 3


Looks like a good list. I wish my Uni offered martial arts classes for PE so that I could've had that (or maybe archery) instead of the boring normal PE stuff for my 1 required credit hour.

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