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Post 1


Gloucester are joint top of the league - Yay!smiley - smiley Just scored 17 less than Bath. I think the local paper summed up the animosity between Glaws and Bath with it's Back page article titled It's Bath, this title took up a quarter of the page. The article was of course referring to the draw for the fourth round of the tetley cup to be played 2/3 Jan.

Should make for an interesting XMAS, premiership games on 26th and 29th then a cup game against Bath (fortunately at Kingsholm) on 3rd jan.

Come on Glaws


Post 2


so you'll be glued to telly/out there in the cold then?

wrap up warm and best wishes
smiley - winkeye


Post 3


I'll be out on the terraces, freezing my ***** off. But that is part of the fun. Three games in 10 days, it's a lot of money but the tickets for the cup match go on sale next week so can come out of novembers pay cheque.

Just to keep new boy Ian Jones company, gloucester have bought a welsh international flyhalf (Byron Hayward - no I haven't heard of him either, but he's from the valleys (llanelli)so he can't be to bad)- he can only play if Neil is injured.

It's the election soon isn't it, you must be busy!
Hope its a better summer than when I was over there.



Post 4


ian'll be fine - he used to be a right scrapper in the old days, constantly giving away penalties under pressure in our half, and driving the whole country mad - since he cleaned up his act he's been great

election stuff keeping me very busy, hence not so much h2g2 smiley - winkeye



Post 5


Ian'll be fine. More importantly he'll develop our young players, who aren't quite good enough yet. Fortunately, he's coming to a club that has had the best start to a season in 10 years. Normally it's a relegation battle from the start.

Although, personally I liked it four years ago when there were no players from outside Gloucester. Change isn't always for the best

rant, rant, rant... smiley - winkeye

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