A Conversation for A Wiccan Forum

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 21

njan (afh)

Ooh... just noticed this comment... (not that my reply is going to be noticed, since this branch is probably dead....)

I'm an atheist, and kind of pagan... ( an atheist with strong pagan overtones. hmm. smiley - smiley )

- Njan.

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 22

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

hullo, Njan,
smiley - smiley
I'm still here. and still an atheist with strong pagan overtones, too...
have you been to Gargleblaster's 'Freedom from Faith Foundation???'
been meaning to get over there myself but haven't yet...


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 23


Merry meet smiley - smiley

I do hope I'm not intruding, you've got quite a tight knit conversation running here. That is if it still is running and I'm not just talking to my self (slightly worried grin).

I'm a young "fairly new to all this" solo witch and I would love to talk to more experienced people.

Merry Part


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 24

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

mm, Qoa!

This is by no means a 'tight knit' conversation...as a matter of fact I think there is very little on h2g2 that is 'tight knit'.
smiley - winkeye
And you are certainly not intruding. People come and go at odd times. I check in from time to time and sorta 'look after' the forum.

If there is anything specific you would like to discuss, just fire away!
Oh, and care for some tea? We have some nice Tazo black & green tea, and there are some fresh butter cookies here.

yer friend,

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 25


I'm not really a tea person I only ever drink it if it's disgustingly sweet and I feel low, thank you for offering though, I'll have a cookie instead (munch munch) ooo delightful I've never had a cyber cookie before!

The annoying thing is that I can't think of anything to ask now, I'll find some questions and come back later. Thanks for the cookies smiley - smiley


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 26


I'm not really a tea person I only ever drink it if it's disgustingly sweet and I feel low, thank you for offering though, I'll have a cookie instead (munch munch) ooo delightful I've never had a cyber cookie before!

The annoying thing is that I can't think of anything to ask now, I'll find some questions and come back later. Thanks for the cookies smiley - smiley


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 27


I've thought of a question... Does a red moon signify anything?


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 28

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

off the top of my head, no. maybe it means something in scrying, divination and the like, but I dont really get into that.

The phases of the moon are quite important, of course, but the color has more to do with what the weather is gonna be like tomorrow, AFAIK.
smiley - winkeye

Anybody else have other ideas?


PS cookie of the day is a chock'lit brownie [with cold milk]

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 29


Interesting... (pauses to munch on a cookie) the weather today is typically Welsh, rain, hail, glorius sunshine and it's only half past two!

S what kind of things do you do?


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 30

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

hmmmmm....what kinda things do I 'do'....?????

*puts out plate of scottish shortbread, pitcher of cold milk, pours a cup of tea and curls up in chair*

hadda think about that.If you mean what do I do as a wiccan; nothing very structured.smiley - winkeye

I am also going through a very transitional period in my life. Have been in a 'temporary' state for the last year or so while building a cabin to move to. It will be permanent for the rest of my life [I hope]. Meanwhile I dont have a garden, and I dont have an altar and I dont have a pattern for what I do, mainly cause I am renting and half of everything is 'packed'. I hadda move from a home of 25 years, and I think I miss my herbs most of all.

My garden and the outside is a big part of my life and my wiccan practice. I am looking forward to an herb garden when I move. It has three parts: cooking, medicinal and magickal. My old garden was a circular one which was sited facing north and with five points. I consecrated it with a circle ritual and selected a variety of plants. I used my garden for other rituals, too. I really liked it there.

Issat the kinda stuff you were asking?


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 31

njan (afh)

Scottish? What's the difference between Scottish and normal (English in my case) shortbread?

- Njan.

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 32

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

probably nothing, but over here in the states it is usually called 'scottish' shortbread.

flour, sugar and butter creamed together and pressed into a round tin and baked. usually cut into wedges or 'fingers'. very rich, very bland. you either like it or you dont.
I love it. make it with real butter--none of that fake margarine stuff.



Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 33

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

Mmm shortbread - it's good wherever it comes from! I'm in Wales so I remember the hail Qoa had too- especially as it was battering on my head at the time smiley - sadface Still it's been lovely today so I've been planting my veggie garden (instead of being at work!).

I've only just been interested in Wicca and I've done my veg beds in 3 circles - not quite as magickal as herbs - but I did try a ritual to make one bed fruitful and it was good having such a big circle and being outside even if it was too cloudy for stars and moon. It's a bit early to say if the magick worked - I'll let you know!

Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 34

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

There is much folklore surrounding, planting and harvesting times as well. Roughly, plant at new moon, harvest at full.

There is a calendar published by Llewellyn called the 'Witches' Calendar', and it has planting and harvesting symbols throughout the year based on the phases of the moon. This year's edition also has two article on herbs.

There are many other books and planting guides in and outside of wicca that pay attention to the more subtle rhythms of the seasons. But you are sorta forced to follow the seasons if you grow stuff. Farmer's almanacs also have useful stuff, but these days they seem very commercial and 'slick'. Dunno how much of the 'folklore' we see written down is just invented on the spot by creative copyrwriters.

Like the term 'blue moon'. I understand that one of the Almanacs was in the habit of printing the full moons in red on the calendar. When there was a second full moon in the month they colored it blue. And that is why we have the expression 'blue moon'. Nothing to do with ancient practices or folklore, or anything. Merely a printer's convention. Of course, NOW it has become folklore...

Anyway, good luck with your vegetables.
smiley - smiley


Dropping in and sitting a spell

Post 35

Technoyokel (muse of poetry)

I'd like to know more about moon phases and planting so I'll try and get hold of a calendar or almanac- though for this year it's a matter of planting things whenever I've got the timesmiley - smiley I think the first lot were planted when it was full but some things are coming up so I'll just hope for the bestsmiley - smiley

The blue moon stuff is interesting- I've often wondered what it meant!
bye for now xxoo

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