A Conversation for A Wiccan Forum

can you help me

Post 1


I am currently without a religion but am interested in Wicca. I don't know a ton about it and am pretty sceptical of all religions but think that it is one I could possibly see myself believing in and also have a strong curousity about all religions. I would like to know if any of you have any suggestion on reading material since there dosn't seem to be any one athourative book on Wicca that I can go to the way I would jump striaght to the bible with Christainity or the Quarn with Islam. This forum seems pretty abandoned so I don't expect I response soon but hope I am wrong and am willing to wait a bit so even if you are reading this a month or even years after I post please still feel free to respond.

can you help me

Post 2


Hey, BeowulfSchaeffer! (Can I call you Beo? It's a lot easier)
I'm also looking for someone who can tell me anything about Wicca. I have some friends who are Wiccan, but none of them are registered on hootoo. If you want, I can ask them about reading material and post their responses here for you. If you have any questions, I can try to answer them myself or ask my friends for you. I don't practice Wicca myself, but I have learned a lot about it from my friends and various online sources that I found through the years. Unforutunately, I think that this thread has pretty much died, but I am still trying to find Wiccan or Pagan researchers to talk to. If you hear of any, will you let me know?

can you help me

Post 3


Ya looks like it never really got started. But anyways I'll try to let let you know if I come across anything but it seems unlikely. When I wrote the first post I was in a period of fairly intense study of modern world religion do to both having a scholarly interest in them and was also as I sorta mentioned looking for a new religion after having got fed up with my original one. But I resolved the second issues and no longer really have time for the first.

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