This is the Message Centre for Zak T Duck

PAX 2007

Post 1

Zak T Duck

I think this year I'm obliged to go, but I have until March ideally to make my mind up one way or another. Sure the event is in August but $10 saved on pre-registering is £5 spent on nice things like smiley - ale

Why am I obliged to go? I appear to be in the photo on this page, engrossed in a demo of Mario Vs Donkey Kong for the DS.

PAX 2007

Post 2

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I already did all the talking in your LJ, but I couldn't do this there--smiley - boing

smiley - winkeye

PAX 2007

Post 3

Mu Beta

My God man; it looks like they hypnotised you. At least it does from that piccy. Stay away.


PAX 2007

Post 4

Zak T Duck

I don't think that was hypnotism, it was virtually no sleep for over four days at that point.

PAX 2007

Post 5

Zak T Duck

Oh yeah, for those having trouble picking me out of the crowd, check my livejournal posting for the labelled pic.

PAX 2007

Post 6

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Looks more like you've fallen asleep there!

I think you should go, as long as you don't mind US Immigration taking your fingerprints, a stool sample, a lock of your hair...smiley - yikes

PAX 2007

Post 7

Mu Beta

Otherwise known as his pants.



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