A Conversation for Practical Magic and the craft/ witches/ movies

No Subject

Post 1

Industrial Gila Dolphin

wow. I totally agree with your point. All this "magic" stuff that been on the increase is crazy. I read an article about some spellbooks being put out that are quick spells. I almost decided to hide under my bed. Anything that cn be done quick and easy is either, will produce nothing at all and be a disappointment, or be something that isn't so quick and easy to fix up after it's release. Anything good takes time and effort and a little bit of loss. Of course that doesn't sell the books at Waldenbooks in the mall.
That reminds me of the scene in "The Craft" where the kids go to a real magic shop and SHOPLIFT. From a another witch. Reall smart.
smiley - smiley
BTW I'm not actually a wiccan, just sorta nothing in particular under my own belief system that I draw stuff that looks right from all religion.

Re: No Subject

Post 2


Thats exactly my point about meddling with things you dont understand.
The effects are not always what you expect.
I'm not wiccan either. I'm a witch as in I practice the craft...but I have my own beliefs really smiley - smiley

Re: No Subject

Post 3


I have a different experience. I always knew there was something different about me... It's really hard to explain! Anyway, when I saw the craf two years ago, it (and lots of other things)made me realise that I am a witch. I began to read up on the subject and I've been a practising wiccan witch for two years. I've finally realised what my religion is smiley - smiley

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