A Conversation for Brussels, Belgium


Post 1

Ginger The Feisty

I went to Brussels when I was 18 and I got flashed at 3 times because we were British and the Belgians were upset with Maggie in the EC. Apart from that my only recollection is the mannequin pis and the fact that they seem to be everywhere.


Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Brussels is a cool city. Stay at the Hotel Metropole, birthplace of the Art Deco movement - but get one of the air-conditioned rooms facing the inside courtyard. The Art Deco connection means antique shops are a big draw. For a more individual collectible, cruise the comic shops - Tintin is of course the local speciality, but French favourites such as Asterix are also everywhere.

Eat in the Rue des Bouchers, or if you want to be adventurous, the Petit Rue des Bouchers, but if you order steak be aware that it may have been the last home in the 2:15 at Newmarket - the Belgians are unsentimental about horses. Much better to have the seafood - the local delicacy of course is Moules Frites (mussels and fries), though you can save money and just have the fries, which will come with a great splodge of mayonnaise.

The Mannequin Pis is the only real disappointment. It's only about a foot high, so you'll be lucky to see it over the heads of the coachloads of tourists. It's down a horrid little street otherwise filled with souvenir shops selling overpriced replicas of the little brat. Don't bother.

From the UK, especially London, visit by Eurostar - really quick and comfortable, much more room than on a flight. Heartily recommended.


Post 3


The Mannequin Pis is overrated. What's so great about a statue of a little boy urinating anyway? It doesn't even urinate real urine (I think I can see a logical reason for this, but still...) The souvenier shops are much the same as those found in Blackpool, UK, except they don't sell beach stuff, rather postcards of the Mannequin Pis in all its different costumes. I mean come on! Even the Millennium Dome is better than this.

When in Brussels, it is definitely worth going to a bakery and buying a really sticky cake to enjoy somewhere near the Grand Platz (or however it's spelt) because this is one of the best things in the world to do. I would imagine this would also be a good thing to do in Paris, except by the Eiffel Tower instead.


Post 4


What is a mannequin pis - Ginger?


Post 5

Ginger The Feisty

It is a famous statue of a little boy peeing. It is very small and the belgians put its picture on everything!


Post 6


Mannequin Pis.. Oh, that explains it. Yes I know what it is now. What are the different costumes then?

I like the idea of the sticky cakes though.


Post 7


Does it have a raison d'etre? What is it there for? Where did it come from?


Post 8


The Mannikin Pis does have a raison d'etre.
Look at http://www.trabel.com/brussel-manneken.htm for more information


Post 9

Global Village Idiot


Imagine, towns competing over who has the oldest statue of a peeing boy in the whole of Belgium. My, the long winter evenings must just fly by smiley - biggrin


Post 10


Perhaps it shows what interesting people the Belgians are smiley - winkeye

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