A Conversation for Electric Guitars

another question about guitars

Post 1


i want to buy a set of strings as a present. it's a twelve string, can i just go into a shop and ask for a set? or are there different kinds? if so, how do i know which kind to get? any info would be appreicated.

another question about guitars

Post 2

Edsel P. Hatrack

Counter question: How experienced is the person who is getting the strings?

If inexperienced, get a light or extra-light gauge string. It will be easier on the fingers.

If experienced, get a gift certificate from the local music store and let them pick their own.

another question about guitars

Post 3


i suspected it wouldn't be easy! ta for the advice.

Vote for your favourite guitarist!

Post 4

Jimi X

You can vote for your favourite guitarist here: http://www.h2g2.com/A259968

smiley - smiley

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