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my bike the leper
an apple tree Started conversation Nov 21, 2000
so. i'm riding across the highway on my way to school today and all of a sudden, my bike decides to reveal to me that it has secretly been contracting leprosy on the side and the pedal falls off. not just the plazteky foot gripper bit, the whole arm that rotates in aide of making the wheels turn around, it falls off too.
not quite as funny as the time with the jockey and rowboat and the horse tied to the end. not as funny as the head-on collision with the 12 year old boy. but funny nonetheless
funny things happen when you're riding to school
my bike the leper
Classic Krissy Posted Nov 21, 2000
Are you going to have to send it to a Huffy Leper Colony? Are there battles between the Huffy Leper Colony and the Schwinn Leper Colony??
I find this very very interesting and await the next installment with great excitement.
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my bike the leper
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