This is the Message Centre for an apple tree


Post 1

an apple tree

accidentally shaved my head...again
whatever is to become of us now?


Post 2

Classic Krissy

Will we all have to shave? Will we get cold in the winter? Will our hair grow in a different colour??

These are the questions that shape our lives.


Post 3

an apple tree

i'm planning to have mine grow in the shape of a portable minature brass band dispenser....really pulls the guys


Post 4

beetle, return of

Tree, use the hair to knit yourself a cat.

Krissy, yes, winter is cold and no, it stays the same color (except for you, in which case it grows back it's other color)


Post 5

an apple tree

treehair cat. i won't do it. and next year they'll be on parisian catwalks. you just wait n see


Post 6

beetle, return of

*waits and sees*


Post 7

Classic Krissy

It's no good. Parisian Catwalks are notoriously fussy and moody.

You can wait, but as long as you're waiting they'll never co-operate.


Post 8

beetle, return of

I thought if you waited, the water never boils.


Post 9

Classic Krissy

It does ... It complains though...


Post 10

beetle, return of

but does iot make long distance phone calls?

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