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less obvious things that i am doing right now
an apple tree Started conversation Dec 23, 1999
*missing old mister beetle
*moving one of my toes in a circular motion
less obvious things that i am doing right now
Amanda Posted Dec 26, 1999
*Whips out an easy to use toe-compass seemingly out of nowhere*
less obvious things that i am doing right now
an apple tree Posted Dec 26, 1999
yeh...i could do with a little help locating the old thing...gets a bit carried away when it starts twirling, Twirling, TWIRLING towards freedom, like that
less obvious things that i am doing right now
beetle, return of Posted Dec 27, 1999
What's with you and twirling?
Hi, amanda. Still sicky.
less obvious things that i am doing right now
Amanda Posted Dec 27, 1999
*makes a siphon out of old newspapers and duct tape and pours a mixture of broth and tea and cough drops on beetle*
There! Better?
less obvious things that i am doing right now
an apple tree Posted Dec 27, 1999
did you, by any chance, TWIRL that duct tape round those old newspapers?
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less obvious things that i am doing right now
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