This is the Message Centre for an apple tree
Fancy Krissy
Classic Krissy Started conversation Dec 9, 1999
Demands a sacrifice!!
*piling more logs on the sacrificial fire*
Get started!!
Fancy Krissy
an apple tree Posted Dec 9, 1999
*places advertisement in local paper for 'innocent, unsuspecting virgin. must like puppies'*
Fancy Krissy
an apple tree Posted Dec 18, 1999
now all we need is a good middle.............I KNOW!!! we can hide under some coats and everything will work itself out!!
Fancy Krissy
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 18, 1999
*hides under coats and waits for life to get really good*
Fancy Krissy
an apple tree Posted Dec 20, 1999
*hides under coats, closes eyes, grunts, tries really hard to turn into life so that she can be really good and make a lot of people happy*
Fancy Krissy
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 20, 1999
*pats the pile of coats over tree*
Well, dear, you DID try.
Fancy Krissy
Classic Krissy Posted Dec 20, 1999
Quit that! I can't respond to gnar properly.
Glef! See?
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Fancy Krissy
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