This is the Message Centre for an apple tree
I spy something leafy
Kate Started conversation Dec 5, 1999
Tree's back! When did this happen?!?! No one tells me anything!
Welcome back, how long before you take off again? Never? Oh good.
I spy something leafy
an apple tree Posted Dec 7, 1999
now don't get too excited.....i'm not back, i've just gone all sideways....who knows when i'll be turning or in which direction i shall perambulate? not Me, that's for sure! *hits self on head with old newspaper till self falls to ground*
I spy something leafy
Kate Posted Dec 7, 1999
*sets a glass of water and two aspirin next to tree, quietly takes the newspaper away*
Aw, man, the Doobie Brothers broke up?!?
I spy something leafy
an apple tree Posted Dec 8, 1999
people really should use words like 'doobie' more often. it would make a difference to at least One person that i know
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I spy something leafy
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