This is the Message Centre for an apple tree

Did you see?

Post 1

Classic Krissy

Did you see my article about you on my page? Hunh? Hunh? It's gots colours.

O yes!

Post 2

an apple tree

INDEED i saw and i saw with great gusto and with high inflation of head. when i though of it, it thought in a voice not disimilar to the voice of a helium inhaler, as it is, i feel, the greatest of all honours to be regarded as missing and the honour only broadens, rises and gets much stickier when in a page, word and indeed, colour, can be seen the angst and worry that one is causing other people (hurrah smiley - bigeyes )

Oh yes

Post 3

Classic Krissy

Well, good. I just wanted to make sure. That kind of thing should be seen by you, you know.

I'm glad you saw the colours.

Oh yes

Post 4

an apple tree

they made me tingle

Oh yes

Post 5

Classic Krissy

In a plutanic sort of way? Or definatly in a "I'm looking for a relationship" sort of way?

Oh yes

Post 6

an apple tree

in a 'want to come in for a coffee, i have to leave early in the morning' sort of way

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