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Post 1

Byrnesnight from Spork

Hi Croz,

I'm just interested in what were meant to be giving Quiche a chance to do? I'm considering that most things you might have imagined to be reasonably impractical.

Quiche the poet?
Quiche for PM?
Quiche Nobel Peace Prize?

All these things for a gooey round egg product are legistically unsound.

As for eating the said quiche, well that's just a wrong'un.


PS. pls let me know the quiche final destination......


Post 2

Zak T Duck

Hiya Byrnesnight smiley - smiley

It's actually a quote from the Red Dwarf series 3 episode, Polymorph. Rimmer (after having his anger sucked out of him) is left as a pacifist with the slogan "Give quiche a chance" on a T-shirt.

I thought it just summed up my opinion on the whole thing at the mo.

I also think that a quiche could probably do a better job as PM than the current fella smiley - winkeye

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