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Alas poor Concorde

Post 1

Wand'rin star

Now how are we going to complete the set. Flown everything else from a 2 seater upwards (including helicopters)
What do you think is the political agenda here, then smiley - sadface

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Post 2

Is mise Duncan

We've flown _in_ most of them, is true.
However, AFAIK we've not been in a glider (Though Gordon probably has?). Also - none of us have been in a microlight. I think there are second-hand ones on the web in the stg.10K range so perhaps I should lookm into spending my "pension" money on one. Would Christina freak out/think I'm mad? Probably not.

There's new airbuses soon, but I would be very surprised if there's anything like a Concorde for a good while, purely for fuel efficiency reasons.

I'd quite like a go on an Ekranoplans, if they (forgive the pun) get off the ground commercially.

Also - I have no memory of being on a hovercraft?

Top trumps (airframes)

Post 3

Wand'rin star

_in_ huh? You seem to have inherited pedantry from somewhere. I think "Have you ever flown Concorde?" is a permissable construction.
I went on a hovercraft the year it was invented . Does the definition of aeroplanes include gliders? (You're right GAJ has been in one) The only dictionary I have handy says "vehicle with wings and one or more engines", but I muddied the waters by including the helichopper. You may have missed your chance for microlites? By the time you get your hands on the money you'll be 65 (not even half way theresmiley - smiley

Top trumps (airframes)

Post 4

Is mise Duncan

_in_ is only there to differentiate from _being at the controls of_. I've done an hour lesson (in Nottingham, oddly enough) on a Piper Cub so ambiguity is possible...and I think Gordon flew Toms dads thing at some stage?

Flying Machines > Aircraft > Aeroplanes? Is a hot air ballon a flying machine? (I think so) .. Is a glider and aircraft (yes) is it an Aeroplane? (hmm - my isntinct says yes, but might be wrong)

Retirement: There is _no_ way I'm going to be 65 before I get my hands on this money. I'll have it within the next year even if this means leabving Ireland for a tax year...I could do with a sabatical smiley - winkeye.

Top trumps (airframes)

Post 5


I can trump that I've been in a hovercraft *AND* a glider, however I was slightly concerned when they made me put on a parachute before I got into the glider. I've also driven a steam traction engine though I don't think that qualifies.

Top trumps (airframes)

Post 6

Is mise Duncan

Got a hydrofoil out of the list on the last holiday. smiley - smiley
It seems unlikely that I'll trump the hovercraft for the moment as the HoverSpeed service has ended. smiley - sadface

Top trumps (airframes etc)

Post 7

Wand'rin star

It looks as though I'll have to overcome my prejudice against BA - I heard that they're trying to bring back Concorde, having done some work in the wheel area.
The rotten Gordon has also been on the footplate of a wood-powered steam engine (South Africa)and in the cab of a diesel outside Birmingham England- both about 20 years ago when he looked like a cheeky angel.

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