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The tadpole returns
Awix Started conversation Oct 12, 1999
Nickname change, partly because an in-joke is one thing, but I don't like the connotations (large, rubber, and green), but mainly because it suits my style here better. Also there's the vanishingly faint but still undeniable chance someone may recognise it....
The tadpole returns
wingpig Posted Oct 13, 1999
We need to know what it was. When you change it it disappears forever (unless the powers that be keep records of these things) beyond the reach of mortal man. Connotations are good, especially when people stand firm and steadfast despite them.
The tadpole returns
Awix Posted Oct 13, 1999
Used to be Erato, which sounds kind of pseudo-Greek and portentous when in fact it's the name of possibly the least convincing monster in the history of the old British TV show Doctor Who (sorry, you may have heard of it, many haven't). The story in question was script-edited by a certain D. Adams. It's one of my favourites, which is why I tend to raid it for aliases etc. I used to write a newspaper column called Dr Tadpole's Guide to Life and my style here will probably be fairly close to my style there. (PS How did you find the page, out of interest?)
The tadpole returns
wingpig Posted Oct 14, 1999
I followed your name in a forum posting.
Which one was Erato? A sheet of lightly rippling Bacofoilâ„¢ perhaps? A cactus? A hamster with horns stuck on? Maybe it was something to do with the Greek connection, being a monster that gave people the horn. (Ever seen The Curious Dr. Humpp? Thought not.)
The tadpole returns
Awix Posted Oct 16, 1999
Erato was... ahem. A huge big green tarpaulin which sort of billowed at people in a vaguely miffed fashion. With a very suggestive appendage attached. Good script though (if you care about these things it's called Creature From The Pit). I wish I'd never mentioned this.
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The tadpole returns
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