This is the Message Centre for The Fish

Evil Fish

Post 1

The Fish


...Well, Sherlock, my Red Cap Oranda was trying to eat Poirot, my Calico Oranda, Today... smiley - sadface

I told him off, and put him in another tank to cool off, and try to teach him not to eat his friends cos it's a BAD thing... but he still seems really agressive. smiley - erm

Then Morse, my Chocolate Oranda had a go at Poirot cos he was injured and Morse is stupid, so now they're all seperated and all look a little sorry... smiley - cry

smiley - bluefish

Evil Fish

Post 2

Backstage queen of Messalonskee

I take it you like fish. I myself have an interest in fish. Actually, its rather pathetic. My room is decorated with fish. I like turtles better, though I'm sorry to say I just discovered this fact recently. Oh well, fish and turtles are both cool enough to decorate my room. Anyway, enough babbling. Oh yeah, my nickname is Grasshopper, in case you care. I just thought I'd let ya know, cause the screen has it written in bold letters over to message. K, bye.

Evil Fish

Post 3

Backstage queen of Messalonskee

I take it you like fish. I myself have an interest in fish. Actually, its rather pathetic. My room is decorated with fish. I like turtles better, though I'm sorry to say I just discovered this fact recently. Oh well, fish and turtles are both cool enough to decorate my room. Anyway, enough babbling. Oh yeah, my nickname is Grasshopper, in case you care. I just thought I'd let ya know, cause the screen has it written in bold letters over to message. K, bye.

Evil Fish

Post 4

The Fish

Hello Grasshopper! smiley - biggrin

I suppose I have an appreciation for their (fishes) ability to happily exist, and not care about the rest of the universe... just their own... smiley - winkeye Not that I'm saying I don't, it just ammuses me smiley - cool

I take it your new to H2G2, how are you finding it so far? There's a aweful lot to get to grips with at first, but you'll get used to it after a while... smiley - smiley

Where about's are you from in the States? I'm from England. Where it's actually stopped raining, and it's been sunny! Yay!!! smiley - bigeyes

Yeah, turtles are nice creatures... although they have odd habbits... like laying their eggs where they were born....

Well, if there's anything you want to ask... feel free...
smiley - biggrin
smiley - fish

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