This is the Message Centre for Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Managing Life froma Hospital Bed, Part n

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Freddy in action: the insurance rep has just been to see me. She handles the part of my medicaid that would pay what are called Transitional Goods and Services. Call it TGS -- it's what would pay for moving all my chattels out of the cat litter box that was my home.

So the insurance rep arrives and announces that insurance won't help me move my stuff after all, because
(1) I wouldn't be there to supervise the move
(2) I wouldn't be there to make decisions about what to move, and
(3) the hazard from toxic cat waste might be a liability issue.

I'm getting tired beyond belief with all this. There may be a way to re-jigger my policy such that I have more control over my medicaid spending. But why am I having to do all this? *whine*

Managing Life froma Hospital Bed, Part n

Post 2

Witty Moniker

Ugh. smiley - blue Don't they ever run out of red tape?

Managing Life froma Hospital Bed, Part n

Post 3

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Is it time to write the newspapers yet?
smiley - towel

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