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Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Cille's blind calico cat went missing last week, after three years of a remarkably free and happy life. We thought coyotes had got her until Tom mowed Cille's back pasture yesterday and we found the body. A large bruise to the abdomen suggests she was kicked by a deer. shows Callie in the top 3 pictures. She had complete command of Cille's property. Sometimes I would come out of my kitchen door and look up to see her on the top landing of the outdoor staircase to my attic, "looking" down at me from a height of about 16 feet. Or she would walk past my door late at night, her chin lifted, moving in a curious double-step gait, just like a blind person goes tap-tap with their cane.

I've also seen her chase another cat at a dead gallop, or pounce and play. She knew me and would come to my call; she was extremely affectionate and, as long as I kept my hand in one place, she would circle repeatedly to rub up against it.

The one thing you could never do was to pick her up. That destroyed her orientation with the universe. When Cille had to pick her up, for some medical reason or other, she said Callie would basically freeze in place for about 20 minutes, until suddenly she seemed to click back into place in the world, and would trot off.

She was a good cat and we miss her.

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 2


Lil, I'm sorry about Callie. smiley - hug Her story demonstrates how adaptable animals are when nature is unkind to them.

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 3

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I'm sorry to hear that, Lil. You've often mentioned Callie and she seemed like a wonderful character.

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 4

Spaceechik, Typomancer

That's so sad, Lil. I was always intrigued hearing about her activities.

I wonder why she approached something at such close range that it could kick her? But then, this little feline climbed stairs and chased other cats -- she was a valiant one! Three years is not too bad even for a sighted outdoor cat, if she'd been in the city.smiley - rose

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 5


Being blind, it is entirely possible that she was not aware that the deer, or whatever it was, was there.

Sorry to hear of the demise.

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 6

Phred Firecloud

It's an interesting story...remember Northern Exposure? You make Lincoln seem like that kind of place...but somehow this cat tale has more hopefulness than sadness...that's my take anyhow...

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 7

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Callie's proprioception was extraordinary, and I believe she would have been aware of the deer as an entity. We have a herd of about 10 mule deer who move north off the hills and down to the river every evening on this side of town, so she would have recognixed them. But she wouldn't know anything about their size, shape or kicking range.

We were just glad she wasn't taken by coyotes.

Phred, I wish I could write candidly about some of the people in this town. It truly would be Southwestern Exposure. smiley - smiley

Blind Callie Dead at Age 3

Post 8

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Now, that's something I'd like to hear someday...maybe an anonymous tome. Lil? smiley - winkeye Small towns and rural places make for interesting neighbors, IMO.

It got me thinking, when you mentioned Callie's reorientation phase, after being picked up. I think she would have sensed quite a bit of what surrounded her; animals are much more clued in to signs we rarely notice anymore.

Blind Callie Dea at Age 3

Post 9

logicus tracticus philosophicus

smiley - emptysmiley - rosesmiley - milk

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