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Bush: from nonsense to Newspeak

Post 1


'It does not matter if the war is not real. For when it is, victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won, but it is meant to be continuous.' - George Orwell, from '1984' smiley - book

'I don't think you can win it. [The "War On Terror"] But I think you can create conditions so that those who use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of the world.' - George W. Bush, 2004 smiley - cdouble

I have posted this matching pair of quotes in another forum, but I think it deserves a wider audience. I also think it's quite chilling. smiley - brr

Bush: from nonsense to Newspeak

Post 2

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I have often thought about te connection between the rhetoric of the "War on Terror" and 1984.

In fact the general thrust of governmental policy.

Orwell just got the date wrong.

Bush: from nonsense to Newspeak

Post 3

Santragenius V

Oh, how I would hope that the major players in this world would start thinking about how to prevent terror and create conditions that disfavoured terror and maybe even slowly but surely ostracized those who insisted on using terror - rather than trying to "win the war against terror" by beating "them" over the head...

I mean, isn't prevention usually better than cure?

smiley - ermAnd then I fell out of bed...

Bush: from nonsense to Newspeak

Post 4


Life, the Universe and Everything...

I wonder if 42 is floating somewhere around in George Bush's head? smiley - erm

I've been watching the events of the election recently, and lets just say I'm quite disturbed by what is going on.

Bush: from nonsense to Newspeak

Post 5

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

your not the only one, I was dismayed when they slaged off the UN, saying they could invade any country they wish without having to ask permission first.

I felt like nicking his wheels I was so angry!

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