A Conversation for The Most Beautiful Place On Earth
Oh beautiful....
The Lizard Started conversation Sep 30, 1999
What a great sounding place... I'll refrain from ripping it appart with my own vision of beauty...
Oh beautiful....
Merkin Posted Oct 7, 1999
Sounds superb. I used to live in the Middle East and left a sizeable chunk of my soul in The Empty Quarter, so know what you mean about the desert. Very bizarre coincidence with you and The Lizard, very bizarre indeed! A couple of my mates wander through occasionally, but they're watchers, not talkers...
Oh beautiful....
Irving Washington - Gone Writing Posted Oct 8, 1999
Glad you like it, Merkin, but I'm not sure how similar the Sonoran dessert is to the Middle East. For one thing, there isn't much sand here. Maybe I'm getting all ethnocentric and just reacting to stereotypes, in which case I should be whipped (gently).
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Oh beautiful....
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