This is the Message Centre for Living-Dead-Doll

ACE's welcome Living-Dead-Doll!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm one of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here. We greet newbies like yourself & help you settle in. Actually Feisor has compiled a brilliant list of Hints & Links for that ease you in, so to speak. So go over that@ A719840'll discover alot about the site! One thing I don't think he mentions (in regard to fixin' up your page)is the Personal Space Workshop@ A1123354 . That's a great follow-up to 'spicing up your page' as it clarifies a few things & has some great features.

Anyway you'll find this a friendly & informative community to be apart of. Don't hesitate to leave me a message if you have a question or anything. Just use the 'Reply' button...I'm not the 'brightest bulb' when it comes to computers but I'll try to help or find someone who can, alright. TTFN!*waves*

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