This is the Message Centre for I'm not really here


Post 1

Calamity Schrodinger - The wild cat who walks by her wild self

Everybody seems to nbe changing names and ID's and who knows what else round here at the moment.

All very confusing for a cat of little brain like myself.

smiley - shark


Post 2

Calamity Schrodinger - The wild cat who walks by her wild self

Especially one that spells smiley - blackcatsmiley - shark, eh? smiley - rofl

smiley - blackcat


Post 3

I'm not really here

I really don't know what I mean. I've always been a bit 'I dunno'.

As for smiley - shark, maybe it's just a smiley - catsmiley - fish. smiley - biggrin

smiley - alienfrown


Post 4

Calamity Schrodinger - The wild cat who walks by her wild self

smiley - laugh Perhaps it is. More likely to be a smiley - dogsmiley - fish, of course...

You ok? smiley - smiley

smiley - shark


Post 5

I'm not really here

Yes! smiley - biggrin I saw a t-shirt made just for you in a copy of Bizarre last night. Sadly I couldn't find it on the net to show you, but if I ever do come across it again I'll send you a link.

Can't be a smiley - dogsmiley - fish, you're a smiley - cat!


Post 6

Calamity Schrodinger - The wild cat who walks by her wild self

Was that in this months Bizarre - the one with the fetish trollop on the front? I might need to buy a copy then and you can point me in the right direction.

smiley - blackcat


Post 7

I'm not really here

Yes it was. I'll tear the page out for you, if you like.


Post 8

Calamity Schrodinger - The wild cat who walks by her wild self

Oh, yes please, that would be brilliant.

Did you by any chance mange to pick up a spare brochure for Erotica.

smiley - shark


Post 9


hi i,m an erotica fan


Post 10

I'm not really here

That's great news. smiley - biggrin Nothing like a bit of Erotica to while away a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. smiley - biggrin

Calamity, luckily for you I managed to get two spare brochures. So you can have one for the litter tray as well. smiley - cat

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