A Conversation for Where not to find love and romance (...unless you're a jammy bunt)


Post 1


Okay, given all this, where CAN we find romance? =]


Post 2


I figure I'll keep adding things to the list, then once we narrow it down to a few places that are guarenteed dead certianties, like supermarkets and acquaintances of friends as well as the all time #1, blind-luck-in-a-place/situation-that-you-had-no-control-over. Maybe we can call this 'fate' or something to make us feel better. Looks like its time to roll the dice once more, dear friends, once more.


Post 3

Researcher 93445

Well, unlikely as it seems, fate can reach out in the unlikeliest of places...even the internet, clubs, and sporting events. I agree that one shouldn't go to the net to SEEK romance, but sometimes, well, "the bear gets you".

Happily married & we met on the net


Post 4


You jammy bunt smiley - smiley


Post 5

Researcher 93445

Fortunately, being a typically ignorant Yank, I can't even properly grasp the insult. Perhaps we need a guide entry on jammy bunts.


Post 6


Sure, my intray is empty, and I'm feeling a little inspired right now...


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