This is the Message Centre for i-like-pigges

ACE's welcome i-like-pigges!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Hi smiley - winkeye, I'm one of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here. I can help you settle into our community & make some friends. First of all I suppose you can read the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . Then as recommended write an introduction - just a bit about yourself. Some likes, some dislikes, whether or not you have a pet, that sort of thing. You'll be able to add some smiley - cool visual touches to your page. Just look@'spicing up your page'( A690518 )for explanations of the possibilities. Or you can get some help by asking the Gurus in the Personal Space Workshop@ A1123354 .

Like most large communities we have a variety of different Clubs & Societies. Those are listed by category@ A660340 ...those are usually good places to meet people & make friends. Or I see you've 'met' pheloxi - you can join his United Friends@ A703126 . They also have a variety of word games@ F84886?thread="/entry/A719840" >A719840 . Read that carefully, that'll really help you. If you have any questions or anything leave me a message. I'll try to get back to you quickly - if you don't see those little eyes by my nickname that means I'm not on the computer. But I will be back, so just leave a message ok. Bye for now!smiley - smiley*waves*

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