A Conversation for The Bronte Family

Peer Review: A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

Entry: The Bronte Family - A88016907
Author: SashaQ - happysad - U9936370

We have a gap in the Edited Guide that I am endeavouring to fill - more is needed on Charlotte, Emily and Anne in separate Entries, but I hope this brief summary of the Bronte family is helpful.

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 2


I'll have a more thorough re-read later but can I mention a couple of first thoughts? Do we know when Patrick and Maria were born?

Also, in the Legacy section you may wish to link to A87794068 which is often known as the Bronte line and a good way to travel to the Bronte Parsonage if you wish to avoid using a car. (Very steep hill)


A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, nice. smiley - applause And you managed to mention Pontefract - the Prof will be pleased. smiley - winkeye

>>They learned French, German and Literature, plus Charlotte took on a role as English teacher, and Emily gave piano lessons to her fellow pupils.<<

That sentence is a bit confusing. Could you turn it into...?

'They learned French, German and Literature. Charlotte taught English and Emily gave piano lessons to her fellow pupils.'

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Oh, and PS: We have a photo from the Bronte house museum: A87896885 (Minorvogonpoet took this.)

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks both smiley - biggrin

I updated that sentence and added mvp's photo smiley - ok

I added mention of the railway, and think I got it right - is the Entry A87794068 saying that there was a station at Keighley in 1847, but there wasn't a station at Haworth until 1867?

I added more detail about Patrick and Maria smiley - ok

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 6

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Excellent! smiley - ok

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 7


Yes, that's right Sasha smiley - ok


A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 8

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks both smiley - ok

A88016907 - The Bronte Family

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

Restored to the Edited Version thanks to Bluebottle smiley - magic

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Post 10

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Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

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Post 11


I'll re-upload the other image tomorrow.


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 12


Added now: A88023927smiley - ok


Congratulations - Your Entry has been Recommended for the Edited Guide!

Post 13

SashaQ - happysad

Thank you smiley - biggrin

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