A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: Britain's Got Talons

This could be watched for free on youtube

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

This film is available on Youtube, as presented by newcastle after dark.

Some of the cast has been in notable other movies or TV series:

Patrick Wymark: Battle of Britain
Linda Hayden : The boys from Brazil
Michele Dotrice: Vanity Fair (1998), The Importance of Being Earnest on Stage (2015)
Wendy Padbury: Doctor Who in 1968 and 2003
Anthony Ainley : Nicholas Nickleby miniseries 1977

I may or may not watch this on youtube

This could be watched for free on youtube

Post 2


Yeah, typically classy cast for a slightly disreputable British horror movie. I would obviously say 'watch it' or at least 'give it a try'...

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