A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: Days of Vin and Poses
I respect Vin Diesel for "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Apr 19, 2020
Based on "The Long halftime walk of Billy Lynn," the movie didn't play in very many places.It earned less than two million at the box office, and is rated (IMDB) in 19th place among Diesel's films. And yet, Garrett Hedlund, who was the main reason I saw the film, has carved out a niche for well-respected art films like "On the Road." That Diesel would play Shroom, the doomed soldier who was uncharacteristically literate and philosophical. Shroom also died before the film's main action takes place, but he is seen in flashbacks?
It must be hard to cast roles like that. I give Diesel credit for signing on. Oh, and Hedlund was impressive, too.
I respect Vin Diesel for "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk
Awix Posted Apr 20, 2020
Didn't play at all over here. Too American, I guess.
I respect Vin Diesel for many things, but especially for teaching Judi Dench how to play Dungeons & Dragons.
I respect Vin Diesel for "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Apr 21, 2020
I was never aware of having seen any Vin Diesel movies, but when I looked at all the films he's made,. I found that there are quite a few -- though the voice of Groot counts in four movies....
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I respect Vin Diesel for "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime walk
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