A Conversation for Review of

Peer Review: A87913461 - Review of

Post 1

Glenjamin Franklin

Entry: Review of - A87913461
Author: Glenjamin Franklin - U15003078

Please review my post as I am not exactly sure what I am doing, but am certain to enjoy the ride.

A87913461 - Review of

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hi, there! Welcome to h2g2! smiley - smiley

While the Edited Guide isn't really the place to tout independently published fiction, your review might make a good journal entry. Why not put it there?

In the meantime, also use your Personal Space to introduce yourself to the community. I'm sure you'll find some kindred spirits.

Also, why not browse through Peer Review to see what everyone's been writing about? You might hit on a topic that you'd like to write an entry about.

This week's h2g2 Post at A87910185 might give you some ideas, too...we accept submissions...hint...

smiley - dragon

A87913461 - Review of

Post 3


Are you still around on h2g2, Glenjamin Franklin?


A87913461 - Review of

Post 4


If the author doesn't return by next Friday I would like to propose Back to Entry. Sadly this is all-but impossible to read in Goo.


A87913461 - Review of

Post 5


As the author hasn't posted for 2 months and has smiley - elvised, I propose Back to Entry. Anyone to second?


A87913461 - Review of

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

It is written in html rather than GuideML, so it doesn't convert between skins, but even though that could be easily fixed I agree with Dmitri's comments.

I second the Back to Entry proposal.

A87913461 - Review of

Post 7

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok by me.

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