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Choices, choices...

Post 1


Remember, remember? My thoughts for November?

Choices choices again.

Riding around Hooverville in a light-hearted rom-com?

Dodging the kill squads as a pregnant Society Agent, knowing my baby has been sentenced to execution for future crimes?

Or popping in to an alternate 'verse where the great-granddaughter of Gafael presides over a stagnating Society, hoping for the days of majick to return?

Eeny meeny miny…

Choices, choices...

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Remember to let me know before I post your proxy Stuff, please. smiley - grovel

Choices, choices...

Post 3


Just emailing you boss!

Choices, choices...

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - ok

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