A Conversation for Smudger Snippet: The 2012 Work Party
Long time no sea
Rod Started conversation Jun 19, 2012
Good story, Smudger, it brought back a few memories of my own (though not HMY).
(once a king ping -or ping king)
Long time no sea
Smudger879n Posted Jun 19, 2012
Cheers for that Rod, It was a bit short but then again, I had added all the other stuff in the previous two work party Snippets, I had written about.
Its funny really, how when we have these reunions, we always remember the good times,and not any of the bad ones?
We also notice the change in the others, but don't expect them to notice the difference in us
Long time no sea
Rod Posted Jun 19, 2012
Yeah, but then we live in ourselves and are the same person as we were then but them others aren't
Long time no sea
Smudger879n Posted Jun 20, 2012
I was never one for reunions, but I organised one on board HMY back in 2005, which was a disaster, as only a fraction of the blokes turned up?
But then again, it was the start of all the work parties ever since, so it wasn't really a failure after all.
Long time no sea
Smudger879n Posted Jun 20, 2012
Bit of confusion here?
The first work party was in 2009.
What happened was, I was fed up with all the Functions being held down South, and none of us up North could attend them, time off work, distance, cost that sort of thing?
So I asked, why don't we hold functions on HMY itself, and let us Northern folk attend them.
They OK, you arrange it,...I did..it was flop, but the committee thought about it, (took a few years like all committees do) and then the very first work party happened
Long time no sea
Rod Posted Jun 21, 2012
Bit of confusion? hmm, just a tad maybe...
Yep, that makes sense
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Long time no sea
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