A Conversation for Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon.

Peer Review: A87759986 - Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon.

Post 1

Loga muthu krishnan

Entry: Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon. - A87759986
Author: Loga muthu krishnan - U14996850

Hello! hullo! hi! howdy! Hallo! salut! ciao! hej! olá! ??????! hej! moi! hei!! morn!
hola! ??! ?e?a! (ep?f.) (???)?! All mean the same albeit in different languages!

Talking about Translations and Languages - DYK (Do You Know) How to find the
mother-tongue of a seasoned Multilinguist who can speak in umpteen languages
as fluently as you can speak in your own mother-tongue?

When such a multilinguist - basically a Tamilian with Tamil as his mother-tongue -
baffled and challenged the court of King Sri Krishnadevaraya of South Indian
Vijayanagara Empire and none of the scholarly courtiers could find his
mother-tongue, all eyes turned to the court's scholar-poet-clown, Vikata Kavi Tenali
Raman (full name - Garlapati Tenali Ramakrishnacharyulu). Tenali pretended to give
up and go away but surreptitiously went behind the multilinguist and hit him in the
back, on which the multilinguist instantaneously shouted in pain, "Ayyo! Amma!!"
(Tamil Phrase for "Oh Mummy!"). Thus Tenali exposed the multilinguist's
mother-tongue to be Tamil, as anybody's instantaneous cry in unexpected pain
will be only in his (/ her) ("Man Embraces Woman" - as Sir.Winston Churchill
said in the English Parliament - very parliamentary indeed!)) mother-tongue!

A87759986 - Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon.

Post 2

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Good morning and welcome to h2g2. I hope that you'll enjoy our writing community and feel at home here. Do ask us if we can help you in any way. You will shortly be receiving an individual, official welcome from one of our ACE volunteers, on your personal space.

As Gnomon said in an earlier conversation about this piece, before you posted it to Peer Review - this is a good story.

I don't think it is suitable as an Entry for the Guide though - would you like me to move it to a more suitable place for you? This is just the sort of story that would make a good addition to our weekly 'Post' perhaps? Our Post Editor ( Dmitri) is very interested in linguistics I believe.

best wishes


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Peer Review: A87759986 - Prof.Dr.K.Loga muthu krishnan, Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon.

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